ICN partners with humanitarian aid distribution experts Direct Relief to maximize the efficient delivery of disaster relief supplies

30 August 2024
Direct Relief

The International Council of Nurses (ICN) has entered into a new partnership with global leader in humanitarian aid distribution Direct Relief.

Direct Relief is working in more than 80 countries around the globe fulfilling its mission to improve the health and lives of people affected by poverty or emergencies, without regard to politics, religion or ability to pay.

The partnership has resulted in the appointment of an ICN Humanitarian Liaison Officer, who will use the global expanse of ICN’s member National Nurses Associations to rapidly access organizations on the ground.

The aim of the partnership is to use nurses’ insights to improve real-time intelligence about situations in specific communities and maximize the efficient deployment of Direct Relief's disaster relief supply programmes.

ICN Chief Executive Officer Howard Catton said the partnership is a perfect fit for both organizations that will make a real difference wherever humanitarian or disaster relief is needed.

Mr Catton said: “Nurses are deeply embedded in the communities where they live and work. They know both what the health and humanitarian needs are and how best to meet them, even in some of the most challenging situations and environments.

‘This knowledge and experience, partnered with Direct Relief’s expertise and commitment to the delivery of humanitarian aid, will help to ensure that the most vulnerable people get the quickest access possible to the specific aid and supplies that will help them the most.”

Direct Relief's Chief Pharmacy Officer Alycia Clark said: “During every disaster, Direct Relief relies extensively on local health providers to determine what is most needed and where. Nurses are at the forefront of that essential knowledge and patient care, particularly during crisis events.

‘Direct Relief is privileged to work with the International Council of Nurses and their deep expertise across multiple specialties promises to guide and expand Direct Relief's future emergency and humanitarian response."