Nurses delivering Universal Health Coverage

International Nurses Day
December 2021

Advanced practice nursing, Education, Health workforce, Jobs, Leadership, Professional practice, Service delivery

Cover document : Nurses delivering Universal Health Coverage

Publication description

The case studies included in this collection were gathered as a celebration of International Nurses Day 2020 and 2021. These two years were also the years when the COVID-19 pandemic spread rapidly across the world, forever changing the work of nurses and thrusting them into the spotlight. While many of these cases studies reflect the work of nurses to care for those with COVID-19, many also reflect the wide variety of nursing that continued throughout the pandemic to care for those suffering from other conditions. What all the stories show is the critical importance of nursing to the health of all populations, particularly the most vulnerable. 

Suggestion of other publications

Policy Brief

Health workforce, Jobs, Leadership

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Education, Health workforce, Service delivery

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