The Malta Union of Midwives and Nurses was founded on the 19th of September 1996. As a non-political organization in its dual role as a trade union and as a professional body seeking to further the professional its members, the welfare of the nurses and midwives is the cornerstone that deeply entrench MUMN’s philosophy. MUMN was an immediate success as almost all nurses working in the Government Sector became members. MUMN was also successful in gaining Government’s recognition and through the signing of its first sectoral agreement.
A few years back a Monument was set up as a remembrance of the sterling work delivered by the Health Care Professionals. The sculptor of this remarkable Monument is a nurse. MUMN and its members are very proud of this Monument which is situated at the Presidential Gardens. Every year, on MUMN’s anniversary, a ceremony is set up as an expression of thanksgiving to the dedicated work performed by MUMN’s members throughout the health and elderly sector.