Singapore Nurses' Association (SNA)

Singapore Nurses Association
N° 77 Maude Road
Singapore 208353
Phone number
+65 (6) 392 0770
Fax number
+65 (6) 392 7877

Founded in 1957, Singapore Nurses Association's objective is to work towards recognizing and enhancing the professional contributions of nurses. The Association was admitted as a member of the International Council of Nurses (ICN) in July 1959 and was the host for the ICN Congress in 2019 with more than 5000 participants who attended.

SNA's vision is that nursing will be an autonomous and united profession, recognized and valued for its leadership in providing quality care and a key player in influencing policy and decision. SNA will constantly continue to Promote, Educate, Provide, Advocate, Speaks and Facilitate for the nurses' cause in Singapore.