
News listing

PR 31

Ahead of World Patient Safety Day ICN calls for ‘just culture’ in how drug errors are managed

The ICN welcomes the focus on medicines as the theme for this year’s World Health Organization World Patient Safety Day, but calls for a culture change in how health providers manage drug errors involving nurses and other health workers

16 September 2022

PR 30

ICN endorses WHO Ten-Point Plan for expanding healthcare workforce in Europe and calls for urgent action

ICN welcomes the publication of the World Health Organization’s latest workforce report, which reveals shortages that WHO Regional Director for Europe Hans Kluge describes as a ‘ticking time-bomb’

14 September 2022

WS 28

Global Nursing Leadership Institute 2022 welcomes new class of senior nurse leaders

Today 31 senior nurse leaders from Africa, the Americas, Asia, Europe and the Western Pacific were welcomed by leaders of the ICN and faculty of the ICN’s Global Nursing Leadership Institute (GNLI)™ as they began the GNLI 2022 programme

13 September 2022

Queen Elizabeth

ICN extends heartfelt condolences on the death of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II

ICN sends a sincere message of condolence to King Charles III and the Royal Family, and all those affected by the sad loss of Queen Elizabeth II

9 September 2022

PR 28

ICN 2023 Congress: Registration and Abstract Submission open!

ICN 2023 will be held in person, 1-5 July 2023, at the Palais de Congrès, Montreal, Canada in partnership with the Canadian Nurses Association (CNA). The 2023 Congress theme is “Nurses together: a force for global health”.

1 September 2022

WS 26

“The return on investment in nursing for global health is priceless” – ICN calls for nurse-led models of care

Howard Catton, CEO of ICN, today called for advanced practice roles to be at the heart of nurse-led models of care

24 August 2022


WHO Director General and Irish Prime Minister praise contribution of Advanced Practice Nurses at ICN Conference

The 12th ICN Nurse Practitioner and Advanced Practice Network (NP/APN) Conference opened yesterday in Dublin under the theme Advanced Practice Nursing: Shaping the Future of Healthcare

22 August 2022


Chief Nurse Blog: Nursing Matters August 2022

Leveraging Global Nursing Leadership for Influence and Impact

18 August 2022

WS 24

ICN calls for stronger codes for ethical recruitment of nurses and investment in nursing education

Several BBC news outlets have recently reported on the over-reliance of many high-income countries on foreign-trained nurses, quoting ICN's warning that the shortage of healthcare workers is the greatest threat to global health

11 August 2022


South East Asia nurse leaders discuss regional challenges at ICN webinar

The International Council of Nurses (ICN) recently held a webinar to discuss nursing in South East Asia.

4 August 2022

WS 22

ICN #NursesForPeace – Campaign Update - 02 August 2022

Nurses across the world have shown their solidarity and support for nurses in Ukraine and other areas of conflict by donating to the International Council of Nurses (ICN) #NursesForPeace campaign humanitarian fund. Their generous contributions are helping nurses and their families who remain in Ukraine, and those who have been displaced internally and to other countries.

2 August 2022