
News listing


Chief Nurse Blog: Nursing Matters July 2022

Leveraging Nursing for Digital Health Systems

29 July 2022

PR 26

Monkeypox - “Protect nurses, combat stigma” says International Council of Nurses

ICN today called for protection of nurses and other healthcare workers who are caring for patients infected with the monkeypox virus. The World Health Organization has declared monkeypox a global health emergency with more than 16 thousand reported cases from 75 countries and territories, and five deaths

25 July 2022

WS 21

ICN publishes report on the 75th World Health Assembly meeting in Geneva, Switzerland

The WHA is the supreme decision-making body of WHO and its annual meeting is attended by delegations from all 194 of WHO’s Member States, as well as by representatives of “Non-State Actors” (NSAs) that are in official relations.

21 July 2022

PR 25

Impact of COVID on violence against healthcare – report published by ICN, ICRC, IHF and WMA

Survey results show that the COVID-19 pandemic has worsened violence against healthcare, with a documented increase of incidents in many countries.

19 July 2022

PR 23

ICN Congress 2023: Call for Abstracts launched

The International Council of Nurses (ICN) today launched its Call for Abstracts for the ICN Congress 2023 in Montreal, Canada. Abstracts can be submitted from 1 September for an oral or e-poster presentation under the eight sub-themes. With the theme, Nurses together: A force for global health, this face-to-face Congress will take place 1-5 July at the Montreal Palais de Congrès. The on-line submission system will be open from 1 September to 31 October 2022.

13 July 2022


Chief Nurse Blog: Nursing Matters June 2022

The month's blog will recognize nursing students as they transition to graduates.

24 June 2022