Dr. Marla E. Salmon

Professor of Nursing and Global Health - University of Washington and Emory University (USA) 

Dr. Salmon is Professor of Nursing and Global Health and former dean of nursing at both the University of Washington and Emory University. Her career focuses on global health workforce capacity building. She has served a US Government Chief Nursing Officer and Director of the Division of Nursing; Chair, World Health Organization’s Global Advisory Group for Nursing and Midwifery; the White House Taskforce on Healthcare Reform and founding director of the Lillian Carter Center for International Nursing, Emory University.  Salmon’s extensive service includes national and global advisory and governance roles. 

Salmon holds a doctoral degree from the Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public Health, and degrees in nursing and political science from the University of Portland. Salmon is a fellow in the National Academy of Medicine and the American Academy of Nursing, which awarded her its highest honor by designating her as a Living Legend.