Maribel Rufino Castillo

Candidates for Board Member - Quadrennial 2025 – 2029
Rufino Castillo
Central & South America
Colegio Nacional de Enfermeras, A.C. (CNE)
Key competences
Knowledge of Health Policies and Systems in the Region; Knowledge of PerformanceBased Outcomes; Management and Leadership in Strengthening Nursing Projects in the Region: Health Economics and Nursing Care Economics

Message from the candidate

To encourage professionals in training, graduates and continuing development to integrate and participate as the non-governmental voice of the profession in the local, national and international environment, to make visible the importance of the interventions and influence of nurses in decisions that affect the achievement of population’s health.


To achieve through the International Council of Nurses and its global representativeness, to influence and debate health-related situations and to integrate the participation of nurses to influence local, regional, national and international decision-making on health and disease problems that are increasing in the world due to different factors.


Promote the autonomous representation of the nursing profession and thus strengthen decision-making with a vision of growth and real recognition, through the visibility of regional representatives or directors in order to establish greater participation of these, in the development of public policies on health and nursing in the region, through the NNAs and other spaces such as the Ministries of Health and Education, which can generate greater recognition of the work of the International Council of Nurses at national and international level.


Promote organisational strengthening projects of NNAs in order to further empower organisations to seek self-sustainability of national innovative projects, cooperative training through successful experiences and sub-regional work.


Foster unity and shared vision on health and human rights, gender and migration. Establish cooperative links with civil society to help raise the profile of the profession and its contributions to health systems, promoting the need to rescue and implement the experience of expert nurses, healthy habits and human development.


Integration to the work of the Board of Directors with commitment and dedication in order to contribute and maintain the leadership, competence and authority that this institution currently possesses, as well as to coordinate the necessary actions so that the NNAs have a place in governmental decision-making and to work in coordination with the directive representatives of the countries to promote the investment so necessary in the profession, in search of improving the working and educational conditions of development and to favour change.


To generate liaison and voice between the International Council of Nurses (ICN) and the NNAs, in order to respond to the different needs that arise, seeking justice, equity and the projection of new fields of development, performance profiles, competencies, skills and abilities. Promote the participation of nursing professionals in the development of public health policies to ensure that they are effective and meet the real needs of the population, rescuing areas of development with a focus on health preservation.