La profession infirmière, une voix faites pour diriger - Investir dans les soins infirmiers et respecter les droits pour garantir la santé mondiale

Journée Internationale des Infirmières
12 Mai 2022

Pratique infirmière avancée, Formation, Personnel de santé, Emplois, Direction, Réglementation de la pratique infirmière, Pratique professionnelle, Prestation de services, Bien-être socioéconomique


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Description de la publication

This 2022 International Nurses Day report acts as a strategic toolkit that aligns with key documents including the WHO Global Strategic Directions for Nursing and Midwifery: 2021-2025 (SDNM); the WHO State of the World’s Nursing and the International Centre for Nurse Migration’s Sustain and Retain in 2022 and Beyond. In particular, this work supports the implementation of the SDNM by providing practical guidance required by multiple stakeholders for effective realisation of their aims. It also showcases case studies as real-life examples in action. As such, it is a toolkit that provides multisectoral guidance to multiple stakeholders. 

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Note de synthèse

Personnel de santé, Emplois, Direction

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Formation, Personnel de santé, Prestation de services

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