Associate Professor Francine Douce is the Chief Nurse and Midwife Officer at the Department of Health, Tasmania, Australia.
She told ICN about how attending the Global Nursing Leadership Institute has helped her to use her leadership skills to influence the local reform agenda and achieve desirable policy and healthcare outcomes.
"I was looking for a leadership programme that would stretch my thinking and test my capability. I was embarking on a promotion at the time and saw GNLI as an opportunity to grow professionally beyond the borders of my country.’
‘The programme was interesting and challenging in terms of stretching my ability to work with others, recognising the differences in culture, ways of working, experiences and health systems. It was particularly good to get a better understanding of the global health policy and the context of leadership through the nursing lens.’
‘I benefitted from the preparation work undertaken in the lead up to the residential school: previously I did not have a good understanding of national economic policy or the work of the World Health Organization.’
‘The Facilitator (Stephanie Ferguson) was exceptional. She has continued to demonstrate her commitment to alumni since that time.’
‘I gained enormously from my colleagues in terms of:
‘One of the most important lessons I learned is that nurse leaders must understand the political context in order to work effectively.’
‘During the programme, I learned that my knowledge, skills and experience are of a high standard when compared with others within my cohort - I am fortunate to have excellent mentors and role models.’
‘I learned that I have much to offer others in positively influencing their leadership journey. I grew in confidence and the programme helped me to galvanise my leadership skills, to use my position to more effectively impact the local reform agenda and to work in ways that influence outcomes positively.’
‘As a result, I now use networking much more effectively to achieve results, and I have changed the way I brief our Health Department Officers. I am much more politically astute and engage with the social and political environment within which I practice.’
‘Since attending GNLI in 2015 I have been appointed the Chief Nurse and Midwife of Tasmania. I have also been elected Chair of the Australian and New Zealand Council of Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officers (ANZCCNMO) and appointed to the international seat with the Commission on Pathways to Excellence (American Nurses Credentialing Centre).’
‘I am more open to professional opportunities now and prepared to do things outside my comfort zone. I would definitely recommend the GNLI programme to other nurse leaders: it was life changing for me, and I will always be grateful for the opportunity to attend the programme.’
‘Upon reflection, my professional development could have been further enhanced by an ongoing relationship with ICN post completion of the programme, and I would recommend consideration of this for future groups."