ICN highlights the power of education for the orphaned girls it supports on United Nations International Day of the Girl Child

11 October 2024
GCEF - International Day of the Girl Child

This year’s theme for International Day of the Girl is ‘Girls’ vision for the future,’ conveying the need for urgent action and persistent hope, driven by the power of girls’ voices and their vision for the future.

ICN’s Girl Child Education Fund (GCEF) was set up in 2005 to support access to education for the orphaned daughters of nurses in developing countries.

In line with today’s theme, we invited some of the girls whose schooling is being supported by the GCEF to depict their hopes for the future.

The girl’s pictures, some of which can be seen below, demonstrate their zest for life and their hopes for a better future for the whole world.

ICN Project Lead for the GCEF Aleksandra Kamilindi said: “Our objective, as always, is to emphasize the role and value of the girls’ education, supported by GCEF, in turning their dreams into reality. By showcasing the girls' artwork we are hoping to raise awareness of the programme and encourage support for girls’ education everywhere.”

Some of the comments the girls wrote on their pictures were:

When I visit hospital I am always inspired by nurses’ welcoming attitude and kindness towards the sick and helpless members of our society. I also admire their cleanliness and tidiness. This makes me realize and feel where I would fit best in my career. It gives me happiness and makes me want to be like them.

My vision for the future is to have a healthy world and a peaceful world. Healthy food and fruits, clean water, freedom to worship. Love, peace and unity.

When I finish school I want to become a doctor for everyone. I would like to take care of people and make them smile. When I grow up I want to make sure that even old people are safe and taken care of very well. I would like to build a place where old people without families can stay and be safe.

When I grow up I want to be a teacher because I want to shape the children’s future. Teaching allows you to nurture young minds and inspire generations. I love working with young people and wish to make a positive influence on people’s lives and improve leadership abilities.

I aspire to be a pilot in the future. I can help society by rescuing people in floods, by transporting people and goods. I wish to live in a peaceful and disciplined world.

To enlighten the community the girl child must have quality education. I want to be a nurse.

I dream of becoming a published author. It is an honour and a privilege to be writing to you as this has always been my dream. To reach out to an audience boldly, to share my goals and ambitions, and to inspire youths to get insight on the dynamics of our current societies.

Education is power. Together we can!

The GCEF supports girls through school in four African nations - Eswatini (Swaziland), Kenya, Uganda and Zambia – and helps them to go on to achieve fulfilling and successful lives.

Since its inception, more than 420 girls have benefitted from the programme, with more than 300 girls graduating from secondary school so far.

There are currently 78 girls being supported through the fund at an average cost of 1,500 US Dollars per girl, which pays for their school fees, uniforms, shoes and books.

To find out more or contribute a donation to the ICN Girl Child Education Fund please click here.

To learn more about GCEF impact please read the 2023 Activity Report.

In 2011 the United Nations General Assembly declared October 11 as the International Day of the Girl Child to recognize girls’ rights and the unique challenges they face around the world, to promote their empowerment and the fulfilment of their human rights.