ICN Monthly Update June 2024

1 July 2024

Welcome to the June 2024 ICN Monthly Update!

We are pleased to offer a summary of our endeavors, achievements, and notable events from the past month. We invite you to explore the latest developments, discoveries, and highlights within our community. Thank you for choosing to stay informed and engaged with us through our Monthly Update!

Global Impact

ICN letter to G20 leaders

Our President has called on the G20 leaders to make nurse migration a priority agenda item when they meet in November and to commit to the ethical recruitment and retention of the nursing workforce.  Read her full letter to the G20 leaders here, and our press release here.

The global cost of quick-fix international nurse recruitment

Just prior to Dr Cipriano’s letter, Howard published an op-ed in Health Policy Watch outlining the alarming scope and drivers of our current nurse migration crisis. The article combined data on global nurse mobility and recruitment with insights from conversations with the world’s nurse leaders and policymakers at this year’s World Health Assembly. Read the full article here.

Expert Advisory Group on the WHO Global Code of Practice on the International Recruitment of Health Personnel

On 17–18 June, WHO convened the Expert Advisory Group on the WHO Global Code of Practice on the International Recruitment of Health Personnel (the Code).  WHPA was represented by Julia Tainijoki at this meeting. ICN provided details of all our most recent policy positions on the issue which was incorporated as part of the WHPA contributions to the expert group, Separately, we will be making an ICN submission to the consultation process that is currently taking place in relation to the code of practice.

ICN Alliance of Student and Early Career Nurses

The Board of Directors has approved the formation of the ICN Alliance of Student and Early Career Nurses, an innovative new ICN body representing student and early career nurses. In advance of our public announcement, we sent all our NNAs the summary of the consultation and the outline structure agreed by the Board. The aim of the Alliance is to amplify the voices of student and early career nurses and enhance their influence on relevant issues in the work of ICN and its members. NNA input was invaluable in shaping the new Alliance structure.

Partnership for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health

The Executive Board of the Partnership for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health (PMNCH) has endorsed the nomination of ICN consultant, Anne Sylvie Ramelet, as the Secretary of the Health Care Professional Associations (HPCA) Constituency for the three years until April 2027. PMNCH is the largest, most diverse, and most impactful advocacy platform in the world for women, children and adolescents and is led by Rt. Hon. Helen Clark. PMNCH’s work concentrates on three areas: maternal, newborn and child health; sexual and reproductive health and rights; and adolescent health and well-being, to cover the continuum of care, addressing different levels of health services throughout the life course, and spanning all life phases.

Swiss climate change ruling

Our CEO spoke with Pia Hollenstein, a retired nurse and member of the KlimaSeniorinnen, a Swiss group of around 3,000 women aged 64 years or older who has taken the government of Switzerland to the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) for violating their human rights by failing to set sufficient climate targets. In April the senior women won a historic victory. However this month, Switzerland’s parliament voted to reject the ECHR’s ruling. This is not a final decision, and the Swiss government is expected to react on the ruling in August. Read our press release here or watch the interview here.

Climate change & health

Howard represented WHPA at a WHO event on the contributions of health professions to the climate change & health agenda on 10 June.

He delivered an intervention on WHPA programme of work and interest in climate change and health agenda, highlighting the crucial role of health professionals in global awareness and advocacy.

Global Gender Gap Report

The World Economic Forum has released the 18th edition of its Global Gender Gap Report which shows that parity between men and women in terms of economic participation, education, health and political empowerment will take 134 years to achieve at the current rate of progress. The report shows that while half the economies included in the survey made incremental gains, globally the gender gap has only closed by 0.1% to a score of 68.5% since last year. ICN has commented that progress to gender parity is unacceptably slow and damaging to our healthcare systems and wider economies. Read the press release here.

United Nations Economic and Social Council (UN ECOSOC)

ICN applied to update our status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (UN ECOSOC) in late May. ICN has held Roster Consultative status since 1948, and we have currently applied for a reclassification to Special Consultative status. If successful, this application will allow for expanded opportunities for ICN to influence and impact the United Nations.

The Future of Hospitals and Health Systems for People, Places, and Planet

Howard attended the launch event of “The Future of Hospitals and Health Systems for People, Places, and Planet” initiative, organized by the International Hospital Federation (IHF) on 6 June in Geneva. The initiative aims at supporting a transformational agenda for hospitals and health systems in low resources settings, to address the sustainability challenges of today and tomorrow.

Global Health Partners meeting for the WHO GAP and MF on IPC

Howard was invited to attend the Global Health Partners meeting for the WHO Global Action Plan and Monitoring Framework on Infection Prevention and Control, that took place online on 27 June. This was an opportunity for ICN to draw attention to the next SoWN and GSDNM as places in which we can draw links to the lack of education, training, shortages, career pathways, and IPC and patient safety more generally.

ICN Project/Programme work



Programme update

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This past month the ODENNA programme witnessed significant progress, with all 23 teams successfully completing the "How to Fundraise and Pitch" course. These teams are actively working on advancing their innovative projects applying the skills they have acquired. Notably, on 3 July, nine of these teams were finalists in the inaugural ODENNA Pitch Contest, where they demonstrated their enhanced pitching skills to a live audience, competing for additional funding. Currently, all 23 teams are in pursuit of funding to bring their impactful projects to fruition. Additionally, the NAMI mentorship initiative is moving forward, with mentorship engagements now actively underway, providing vital support, guidance, and project delivery. For more information about ODENNA, the projects, or NAMI, please contact us via email at [email protected].

LFC logo

Leadership for Change

Programme update

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LFC Mauritius

The LFC Mauritius programme recently conducted Workshop 1 for its 3rd Cohort from 10-14 June. The face-to-face session included 38 participants, with full release granted by the Ministry of Health and Wellness, allowing for engagement from the dynamic team. During the workshop, participants began planning five change projects, each centered around diverse themes such as: Improving Standard Protocols and Procedures in Healthcare, Enhancing Emergency and Critical Care, Implementing Specialized Medical Equipment and Kits, Promoting Health and Well-being of Medical Staff, Enhancing Patient Safety and Care.

LFC Korea

The Korean Nursing Association has scheduled Workshop 1 of the LFC programme for 8-12 July. President Young Ran Tak will attend the Opening Ceremony, along with participants and trainers. LFC Director Dr. Kristine Qureshi will join the ceremony online.

LFC Norway

The Norwegian Nurses Organization will launch a new LFC programme in August 2024 for a cohort of 32 participants. Workshop 1 of the LFC program is scheduled for the week of 26 August.

LFC Bangladesh

Ninety-six nurses in Bangladesh have recently completed the LFC programme and are currently undertaking 20 projects aimed at increasing workplace safety, improving nurses’ work environments, strengthening the safety and quality of health care services and enhancing effective communication within the nursing team and with patients and their families. Twenty-one of the graduates have been selected to undergo the LFC Training of Trainers programme, helping to secure the future of LFC in Bangladesh.  Read our press release here.

Nurses for Peace logo


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ICN stands in solidarity with nurses on the frontlines who courageously provide care amidst conflicts and disasters. We extend our deepest gratitude to the generous donors supporting our #NursesforPeace campaign. Your contributions empower these dedicated nurses in crisis zones, ensuring they can continue their vital, life-saving work. Join us in supporting #NursesforPeace through our secure online portal and make a meaningful impact in the lives of those who selflessly serve others.

PR 01


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GNLI 2023

The GNLI 2023 programme has officially ended with the presentations of the Regional Projects. A survey was sent out to assess the satisfaction of the students and to understand what we need to improve for GNLI 2024.

GNLI 2024

GNLI 2024 has commenced with scholars currently focusing on Module 1 of the programme. Module 2 (26 Oct-1 Nov is under preparation). In parallel, we have also started working on the Project Plan for GNLI, assessing the impact of the programme (internal and external), and defining KPIs and roles and responsibilities for all stakeholders.

ICNP logo


Programme Update

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ICNP is currently undergoing a strategic reset to refine its governance and operational framework. The process, initiated in April and led by Professor Nick Hardiker, involves close collaboration with the Editorial Board, ICN, and SNOMED International.

A comprehensive stakeholders’ meeting was held this month with all stakeholders to discuss and emphasize the importance of ICNP. This meeting was pivotal in aligning our collective vision and ensuring that all voices were heard as we work towards enhancing the ICNP.

Our ongoing efforts included in-depth interviews and collaborative discussions, essential in laying the groundwork for significant improvements in the ICNP. Further updates will be provided in due course on the findings of this strategic process and the positive changes it aims to bring to nursing practice.

Girl Child Education Fund

As the year progresses, the GCEF team continues its mission to empower girls through education. While there are no new events to report this month, our commitment to supporting the education of orphaned daughters of nurses remains unwavering.

We believe that education is the cornerstone of a thriving health system. By ensuring that every girl has the opportunity to go to school, we are investing in the next generation of leaders who will make a difference in their communities.

Currently, GCEF is supporting the education of 78 girls in Eswatini, Kenya, Uganda and Zambia. On average, USD1 500 keeps a girl in school for one year. Every donation, no matter the size, makes a difference and helps us move closer to our goal of equal educational opportunity for all.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to our generous donors whose contributions make this programme possible, and to the dedicated volunteer nurses and local coordinators who ensure the success of these girls educational journeys.

For those who wish to contribute, donations can be made directly through ICN's bank account or online portal. If you have any questions about the GCEF, please email [email protected]. Together we can continue to make a difference in the lives of these young girls and their communities.


ICN Congress Helsinki


A Call for Abstracts has been released!  Abstract submission will open on 2 August so make sure you are ready! A call for NNA symposium proposals was sent to you this month. We are inviting our members and partners to submit a proposal to host a one-hour symposium as an ideal forum to showcase your work or message to a global audience. We are looking for innovative ideas that can inspire and inform nurses across the world.

The 2025 Congress theme is "Nursing Power to Change the World," highlighting the tremendous impact nurses have on global health care. The Congress will be held 9-13 June 2025 in Helsinki, Finland.  Check out our dedicated Congress website here!

HIMSS European Health Conference and Exhibition

Pilar Millan Gomez, ICN’s Head of Digital & Sponsorship, took part in the  HIMSS European Health Conference and Exhibition, 29-31 May in Rome, Italy in order to promote our Congress showcase ICN’s work. ICN had a booth which attracted  many visitors interested in working with ICN and coming to Congress. If you are interested in promoting or sponsoring the ICN Congress please contact Pilar at [email protected].

NP/APN Conference, Aberdeen


The 13th ICN Nurse Practitioner / Advanced Practice Nurse Network Conference, will be held 9-12 September 2024, in Aberdeen, Scotland. The full programme, list of speakers and other highlights can be found here.  Click here to register.

ICN 125th Anniversary Conference, Bucharest

Join us in Bucharest, Romania on 21-22 October to celebrate ICN’s 125th anniversary! With the theme, “Nursing Legacy: ICN at 125 – celebrating, recognizing and shaping our collective future”, the event will be hosted by the Order of Nurses, Midwives, and Medical Assistants of Romania, and held under the High Patronage of the President of Romania, in partnership with the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism, the Committee for Health and Family of the Chamber of Deputies and the Public Health Committee of the Romanian Senate. Click here to learn more or go to the dedicated website here!


Leadership de l’infirmière en pratique avancée : une perspective globale

We are delighted to inform our French-language members about the very first APN French AI-assisted translation publication: Leadership de l’infirmière en pratique avancée : une perspective globale (originally published in English as Advanced Practice Nursing Leadership: A Global Perspective in 2020). ICN members can use the code “INF” on the book webpage to get a 65% discount!