
News listing


ICN Monthly Update May 2024

Welcome to the May 2024 ICN Monthly Update!

1 June 2024

Angola & Cameroon members

ICN welcomes the orders of nursing of Cameroon and Angola into membership, further strengthening the voice of nursing on the African continent

The Cameroonian and Angolan orders of nursing have joined ICN, a federation of more than 130 national nursing associations around the world.

30 May 2024

PR 25

New WHPA strategy champions collaboration for sustainable health workforces

On the eve of the 77th World Health Assembly, WHPA launched its new strategy, calling for the health professions and key stakeholders to work together towards sustainable health workforces and strengthened health systems.

27 May 2024

PR 24

ICN President calls for UN members to make Universal Health Coverage a central pillar in tackling antimicrobial resistance

In a powerful address at the United Nations Multi-stakeholder Hearing on Antimicrobial Resistance on 15 May, Dr Pamela Cipriano, President of ICN and Co-Chair of the Universal Health Coverage 2030 Steering Committee, urged global leaders to make universal health coverage a central pillar in the response to the growing threat of antimicrobial resistance.

22 May 2024

PR 17

WEF White Paper makes the case for the economic power of healthcare

ICN has contributed to a major new White Paper from the World Economic Forum featuring innovative thinking to help shape the future of the care economy.

21 May 2024

PR 23

ICN launches Call for Abstracts for Congress 2025

ICN today launched its Call for Abstracts for the ICN Congress 2025 in Helsinki, Finland.

17 May 2024

Caring with courage

ICN announce second series of award-winning Caring with Courage films, produced by BBC StoryWorks, detailing the extraordinary work of nurses around the world

ICN and BBC StoryWorks Commercial Productions are to make a second series of Caring with Courage, highlighting the pivotal role nurses play in advancing global health equity and universal health coverage.

17 May 2024

WS 13

More than 600 Nurses attended the International Nurses Day webinar launching a new report on the Economic Power of Care

ICN held a webinar to celebrate International Nurses Day and launched its new report on the Economic Power of Care.

14 May 2024

OECD report

ICN responds to new OECD data showing reduced interest in nursing as a career: “We cannot ignore the alarm bells ringing about the lack of action to secure the future of the nursing profession”

ICN is calling for decisive action and investment in the global nursing workforce after an OECD report revealed an 8% drop in the number of young students expecting to train as nurses.

14 May 2024

IND 2024 report cover

ICN launches IND 2024 report focusing on The Economic Power of Care and nurses’ crucial role in creating prosperity for all

ICN is today launching this year’s International Nurses Day report focusing on The Economic Power of Care, ahead of global celebrations on May 12.

8 May 2024

ICN Annual report 2023

ICN Annual Report for 2023 demonstrates power of solidarity among nurses

The International Council of Nurses 2023 Annual Report demonstrates the strength and power of the nursing profession and how it can improve global health by working together.

6 May 2024

ICN President Pamela Cipriano

ICN President Dr Pamela Cipriano appointed as the new co-chair of the Universal Health Coverage Steering Committee

ICN President Dr Pamela Cipriano has been appointed as a co-chair of the Universal Health Coverage Steering Committee.

26 April 2024