Dr. Dan Lecocq

President, Fédération Nationale des Infirmières de Belgique (FNIB) 

Dr. Dan Lecocq has been a research scientist in Nursing at the University of Luxembourg since July 2023. He is a registered nurse with a bachelor's degree from the school of nursing formerly attached to Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB), now part of Haute École Libre de Bruxelles Ilya Prigogine (HELB-IP). He specialized in intensive care, emergency medical assistance, and oncology. He holds double master's degrees in public health sciences from ULB, focusing on health care management and health-society-secularism, and a complementary master's in university and higher education pedagogy from the University of Liège. Additionally, he completed certificates in disaster medicine and quality management in health care institutions. 

Dr. Lecocq earned a Ph.D. in public health sciences in 2022, with a thesis on nursing practices in French-speaking Belgium. He pursued a postdoctoral fellowship under Prof. Dr. Laurence Bernard and Dave Holmes at the University of Luxembourg. 

In his clinical and managerial career, Dr. Lecocq has worked in emergency and intensive care, served as head nurse in an oncology ICU, and participated in merging two hospital laboratories. During the COVID-19 pandemic, he returned to emergency room service. Politically active, he has been a health advisor for a trade union and is currently the President of the National Federation of Nurses in Belgium (FNIB). 

In education, Dr. Lecocq coordinates the master's program in nursing science at ULB's School of Public Health and has taught at HELB-IP. His work emphasizes patient-professional relationships, care quality, and the impact of technoscientific advancements on health.