
News listing

LFC China

Nursing leadership in China receives massive boost as almost 500 nurses complete ICN’s Leadership for Change™ programme

Almost 500 experienced nurses in China have completed ICN’s Leadership for Change (LFC) programme.

19 December 2023

PR 44
Climate Change

ICN’s key messages on climate change and health echoed in COP28’s Climate and Health declaration

ICN raised the concerns of the world’s nurses about the dangerous health effects of climate change at the COP28’s first Climate and Health Day meeting in Dubai.

13 December 2023

PR 45

On Universal Health Care Day ICN says massive investment in nursing is crucial to expansion of primary health care

To mark Universal Health Care Day, 12 December, ICN is again calling for a massive investment in nursing to reinvigorate progress towards Universal Health Care, following setbacks and reversals caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

12 December 2023

WS 50

Global leader of nursing receives honorary degree from Northumbria University

The CEO of ICN, Howard Catton, has received an Honorary Doctorate of Science from Northumbria University, Newcastle.

11 December 2023

Pam Cipriano WPC

International Council of Nurses & World Patients Alliance hold groundbreaking webinar on Patient-Centred Care & Patient Engagement

In a collaborative effort to champion patient-centric health care, the International Council of Nurses (ICN) and the World Patients Alliance (WPA) held a groundbreaking webinar on Patient-Centred Care & Patient Engagement, on 1 December 2023.

4 December 2023

PR 44

ICN urges COP28 to turn words into action as climate change threatens our health and future of the planet

ICN is joining with other health organizations to express its frustration to the COP28 climate change conference about the lack of progress on climate change action.

30 November 2023

PR 43

ICN reiterates its support for the enactment of new law to consolidate the independent status of nursing in Korea

ICN CEO Howard Catton has repeated ICN’s support for the Korean Nurses Association’s long campaign to have the Nursing Act passed by the government of the Republic of Korea.

23 November 2023


Nursing leadership in antimicrobial resistance

Infections that are difficult to treat are some of most pressing global challenges in human and animal health, driven generally by the misuse or overuse of antibiotics. Governments worldwide have introduced measures to curb the increase of drug-resistant infections, with national plans that advocate the participation of all healthcare workers in efforts to improve antibiotic usage. However, the involvement of nurses in this area has traditionally been quite limited, for many reasons.

23 November 2023

PR 42

ICN CEO Howard Catton warns of dire consequences if global demand for nurses continues to far outstrip supply

ICN CEO Howard Catton has warned of dire consequences if the current burgeoning demand for health care and the nurses who will deliver it continue to outstrip the supply of registered nurses.

22 November 2023

WAAW 2023 joint statement

Joint Statement on World Antimicrobial Awareness Week - “Tackling Antimicrobial Resistance Together”: The time to act is now

To mark World Antimicrobial Awareness Week, the International Alliance of Patients’ Organizations, the IAPO Patients for Patient Safety Observatory and its AMR Patient Alliance, the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations, the World Medical Association, ICN and the International Pharmaceutical Federation call for cross-sectoral collaboration to address the growing threat of AMR.

22 November 2023


ICN champions nurses’ unique role as promoters of peace at influential WHO Member State meeting

ICN CEO Howard Catton has updated a meeting of more than 70 World Health Organization Member States on the unique role nurses are playing in the promotion of peace in societies everywhere.

21 November 2023


ICN calls for humanity to prevail in Israel-Gaza conflict and for protection of all civilians

ICN has reiterated its concern for the people caught up in the ongoing Israel-Gaza conflict and called again for an end to the ongoing suffering, and for the protection of health care facilities and staff. ICN emphasized that the needs of patients, their safety and that of the nurses and other health workers serving them must be paramount.

17 November 2023