
News listing

WS 47

“Learn the lessons and invest in nursing!” ICN speaks out at WHO high-level meetings

ICN has published a report detailing its significant interventions at the 76th World Health Assembly in May this year.

6 November 2023

WS 45

ICN joins other health professionals in demanding an end to the world’s dependency on fossil fuels ahead of the COP 28 meeting

ICN is a cosignatory to a letter addressed to Sultan Ahmed Al-Jaber, President-elect of the annual United Nations Climate Conference, which starts on November 30 in the United Arab Emirates.

1 November 2023

WS 44

ICN representation at digital health conference will secure nursing terminology’s place in electronic health records and in WHO’s global digital network

Digital nursing expert Dr Ernesto Morais represented ICN at a major digital health conference in Bonn, Germany.

21 October 2023


Nurses travel from all around the world to attend ICN’s Global Nursing Leadership Institute in Geneva

Senior nurses from around the world are gathering in Geneva for the second module of the International Council of Nurses (ICN) Global Nursing Leadership Institute (GNLI), a leadership programme which has been running since 2009.

19 October 2023


ICN condemns Gaza hospital bombing and calls for protection of health workers

ICN condemns in the strongest possible terms the bombing of the Al-Ahli Baptist Hospital in Gaza which killed hundreds of people including injured patients, health care workers and displaced persons.

18 October 2023

WS 21

ICN calls for health workers and civilians to be protected in Israel and Gaza conflict

ICN has joined with colleagues in the World Health Professions Alliance (WHPA) in calling for all parties in the Israel and Gaza conflict to respect and protect access to healthcare, and ensure the safety of civilians and health workers.

16 October 2023


World Health Professions Alliance (WHPA) statement on Israel and Palestine conflict : all parties must respect and protect access to healthcare

The World Health Professions Alliance (WHPA) is calling for all parties to the conflict in Israel and Gaza to respect their legal obligations under international humanitarian law to protect and respect access to healthcare and ensure the safety of civilians and healthcare workers.

13 October 2023

GCEF donate

On United Nations International Day of the Girl Child, ICN celebrates the continuing success of its Girl Child Education Fund

In 2011 the United Nations General Assembly declared October 11 as the International Day of the Girl Child to recognize girls’ rights and the unique challenges they face around the world, to promote their empowerment and the fulfilment of their human rights.

11 October 2023

PR 33 Thumbnail

ICN says UN declaration on Universal Health Care sends powerful message: “primary health care and nursing are catalysts for change”

At the UNGA High-Level Meeting in New York last week, world leaders discussed critical health issues including pandemic prevention, preparedness and response and tuberculosis and approved a new Political Declaration on Universal Health Coverage.

28 September 2023

PR 32

ICN and the National League for Nursing focus on prioritising investment in nursing education

ICN is launching a new global education expert advisory committee with the National League for Nursing, that will focus on prioritising investment in nursing education.

27 September 2023

PR 31

ICN President calls for resilient health systems at UN High Level Meeting on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response

The President of ICN, Dr Pamela Cipriano addressed the United Nations High Level Meeting on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response held on 20 September.

21 September 2023

ICN President Pamela Cipriano

ICN President says Universal Health Coverage will only be achieved by 2030 if there is a dramatic increase in investment in nursing

ICN President Dr Cipriano has stated that nursing holds the key to changes that must be made to health systems if the goal of UHC is to become a reality by the WHO's deadline of 2030.

19 September 2023